Reviewed-on: #13 Increment Version
Rust Arch Linux Updater
A program that automates the arch update process with cleanup and auto removal.
Currently, a WIP. USE AT OWN RISK
The current state requires that you build it yourself. The most up-to-date version will be on the development branch.
Just run cargo build --release
and copy the executable from ./target/release/rust-archlinux-update
to wherever you
need it.
Distribution on pre-built binaries, cargo, etc. is in the works.
The default behavior of the command is to use pacman to run a package update, auto-removal, and cache clear in that order.
In the future the command will support AUR helpers like paru and those will need to be activated with a flag.
Issue Reporting
I don't allow random sign-ups on my gitea instance. Please email me at
If you have any suggestions for how to better handle issue reporting please email me.
If you are the one person to read this and want to copy the source and work on it please follow the GPLv3 license. If you decide to contribute back email me, and we'll figure out the best way for you to contribute.